AEW Youth Division

Call to Action

It's our time!

Africa Environment Watch, Inc Youth Division: our mission to safeguard our planet and secure a sustainable tomorrow. Together, let's ignite change, inspire action, and build a greener, healthier Africa. Join us today and be the driving force for environmental stewardship and progress. The future is ours to protect – let's make it count!

Lenair Koffa, AEW Youth Ambassodor

Join our platform

Connect with like-minded peers, access resources, and collaborate on impactful projects that make a difference for our planet. Together, let's inspire and empower each other to create a greener, more sustainable future!

It takes less than a minute to join and you'll also get instant access to our community, Africa Environmental Watch.

See you there,
Africa Environmental Watch, Inc

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Get involved.

Our next upcoming event:
Virtual Environmental Justice Education

Awareness Conference

April 6th, 2024

ZOOM LINK : 835 8861 7867

Join the AEW Youth Network platform and be part of a vibrant community dedicated to environmental activism and change-making!

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